Call Us: 0448 884 944
Did you know some of our games
come in different sizes:
Connect 4
Noughts & Crosses/Tic Tac Toe
Our Packages are named after the size of the Game........ MEGA, GIANT and KIDS!
We have 4 games in different sizes!
The Connect 4 is available in Mega (the largest) and Giant.
The Jenga and the Quoits are available in 3 sizes ....Mega, Giant and Kids
and Noughts and Crosses in the Giant or Tic Tac Toe for the little ones!
Of course we can swap around to accommodate your needs as the different sizes may meet your requirements due to the age of your guests and where / how you'd like your games set up! For example the Giant Connect 4 is preferable for smaller children or can be placed on a table rather than the ground. Our 3 Jengas vary in size with the kids suitable for the little ones or again placed on a table.
The "Mega" Jenga is definitely best played by the big people due to starting height of 127cm!
Happy to answer questions on any of the games.

Mega and Giant Connect 4
Giant and Mega Jenga
Kids Jenga

Kids, Giant and Mega Quoits
Giant Noughts and Crosses
Tic Tac Toe

Mega Game
Package #1
$180 to hire
Mega Jenga
Mega Quoits
Giant Noughts and Crosses

Mega Game Package #2
$295 to hire
Mega Connect 4
Mega Jenga
Mega Quoits
Giant Noughts and Crosses

Mega Game Package #3
$380 to hire
Mega Connect 4
Mega Jenga
Mega Quoits
Giant Noughts and Crosses
Giant Snakes and Ladders
Jumbo Egg and Spoon Race